Saturday, October 01, 2005

one tree sad

It is with a heavy heart that I am now writing about the recent separation of Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush, stars of the WB's One Tree Hill. It first came to my attention a couple of days ago and I have been trying to fully comprehend the implications of this monumental split ever since.

I mean, I don't want my priorities to seem at all skewed, I understand that this separation must be an extremely difficult and painful time for them both, but what does this mean for the residents of Tree Hill?? Last time we saw Lucas and Brooke were finally going to get back together. Now what? How awkward must it be to stage a reunion with your ex-husband? I think there are a few valuable lessons to be learned here.

First, CMM is only 24 and Sophia is a child-like 23. You are simply too young! And more importantly you are too hot (especially you, Sophia. CMM, your nose is too bulbous) to settle down quite yet. You naive little things, look what happened to Nathan and Hailey! You really never saw this coming?

Second, you are co-workers! Doesn't the WB have some kind of stipulation in your contract to prevent this sort of misguided union? You really thought this would last forever? Yeah, I thought the NKOTB were here to stay, too. How dare you try to seek out personal happiness at the cost of art?

I really tried not to like OTH, but the plot lines were so good and the characters were all people who I loved to hate. Brooke was a bitch with a heart of gold. Lucas was a moralistic jack-hole (his words). Nathan and Hailie got married in grade 10 (enough said). Dan sucked, Keith sucked. Karen was lame, Deb was a whore. Peyton and Jake were the only people you might relate to or wish to emulate and they had troubles of their own (kidnapping and penal institutes and psychotic ex-girlfriends and illegitimate children, to say the least).

I am really sorry that Sophia and CMM have decided to separate after only five months of marriage. I am sure that their decision to do so was not one that was taken lightly. For the sake of art, let's watch them channel all of their hurt, anger and frusrtation into sexual tension. For the sake of their sanity, the OTH writers need to kill one of them off. I vote Lucas.


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