Friday, March 30, 2007

and furthermore

unless i can overcome the traumas inflicted upon me when i was a child, i will never be whole and i will never be capable of truly loving another.

i need to go on a soul quest.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

this is a promise with a catch

2 weeks (and a bit) until Montreal. I am so excited for the trip. For the time off work. For the time to be spent with friends. For the Canadian hospitality. For the haircut.

Going to Canada and then coming back here will be rough. It was after Christmas. Like Jonathan Franzen said: it's better not to leave than to leave and come back.

Maybe that's a bit dramatic. The funny thing is, I like London and I don't want to leave.

I need 2 lives to lead simultaneously. At the end I will just choose the one with the better ending. No?

Does this sound like the ramblings of a crazy person?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Reason number 1,234,555 to love Ira Glass

He loves the OC. He watches it every week and he cried when it went off the air. He got super-excited when they mentioned This American Life in one of the episodes. He even compared Taylor to Paris from Gilmore Girls.

And every week he and his wife sang along to the theme song.