Friday, June 30, 2006

The Kind of Day It's Been

Yesterday morning my alarm failed to go off. I woke up at eight, exactly the time I need to leave for work in order to be on time. Not the end of the world, but annoying nonetheless.

JV (my boss) does not mind that I am late, these days he thinks that the sun shines out of my ass. And maybe it does a little. But my recently added colleague has not fared so well: she has been fired.

I am sent to the bank. I walk to the bank almost every day (same bank that refused to open an account for me) and I always take the same route. I am walking down the hill and there is a pretty cat, but he is a jerk and runs into the road to get away from me. Try not to let it bother me, the tears stinging my eyes, I walk away. Then a car come flying down the road. As the car passes, the driver and two passengers turn around to see if they hit the cat. I am too traumatised to look, I just keep walking. But that cat ran out into the road because of me. I was just walking down the sidewalk, and I might have killed someone's cat. I can't go down that street anymore.

The day is finished out at a Hawaiian bar in South London. The bar has a real Joe vs. the Volcano vibe that I love. I am there for a free rum tasting and all of the drinks made with the featured rums (Jamaican this week) are only £3. For a triple. I get annihilated. I don't even mean to, but I haven't had dinner and one of the rums is 63%. Annihilated.

I am home and in bed by 11:30 even though it takes me a million years to get home.

Might be the hangover, but I just volunteered to work tomorrow. And Papa comes Sunday.

Friday, June 23, 2006

oh Canada

Like we needed a reminder that Canadian men have no morals. But oh Jose. Jose, you should know better. Just because you come from a corrupt Quebecois family, it is no excuse!

Yet another reason to prefer soccer players.

And how horrible would it be to be left for Tori Spelling? I cannot think of a worse fate.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Hello Time-Waster

Also known as the best site ever! It is calledGoogle Earth and it is more fun than a bucket of kittens. Or a bag of weed. It might be more fun than you can handle.

I went to my house. And then I went to work. Then I went to Montreal (but I could not really see it because of cloud cover). Then I went to 1010 Queens Street. Now I am going to Mom's because I miss her and last night I had a dream that I went home to see her and she gave me coca-cola for my hangover. What a good mom! Unfortunately, I was not dreaming the hangover part.

Wedding Bells

Erin Cadorette is getting married next summer and she wants me to be her Maid of Honour. My Mom called to tell me that and I started crying in the middle of a restaurant. Finally! A wedding I get to go to! And be a part of! And someone likes me enough to want to make me a part of it!

Funnily enough, when I was on my phone in the restaurant crying and saying the word marriage, my table of Mr. H and Mr. Badr assumed I was speaking with Ms. Crosswalk. And they assumed you were announcing your marriage to one Mr. Boss-man.

I quickly set them straight. But then, maybe it's a sign!?!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Endless Material

My boss (who is not really my boss, but my boss' partner has added me to his Messenger list. Have I found my muse? I can write all day about this man...

PT says:
it's nice to have you at my fingertips
PT says:
I've missed you over the last week
PT says:
my working relationship is so harmonious with you

I feel violated. Messenger used to be safe!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A New Beginning

Well not really, but I am going to write here more often. And I am going to be publishing my pictures on Flickr (please refer to the link provided).

I am at work and I am being harrassed and annoyed by my bosses a million miles away. Do they practice at being so annoying?