Friday, June 30, 2006

The Kind of Day It's Been

Yesterday morning my alarm failed to go off. I woke up at eight, exactly the time I need to leave for work in order to be on time. Not the end of the world, but annoying nonetheless.

JV (my boss) does not mind that I am late, these days he thinks that the sun shines out of my ass. And maybe it does a little. But my recently added colleague has not fared so well: she has been fired.

I am sent to the bank. I walk to the bank almost every day (same bank that refused to open an account for me) and I always take the same route. I am walking down the hill and there is a pretty cat, but he is a jerk and runs into the road to get away from me. Try not to let it bother me, the tears stinging my eyes, I walk away. Then a car come flying down the road. As the car passes, the driver and two passengers turn around to see if they hit the cat. I am too traumatised to look, I just keep walking. But that cat ran out into the road because of me. I was just walking down the sidewalk, and I might have killed someone's cat. I can't go down that street anymore.

The day is finished out at a Hawaiian bar in South London. The bar has a real Joe vs. the Volcano vibe that I love. I am there for a free rum tasting and all of the drinks made with the featured rums (Jamaican this week) are only £3. For a triple. I get annihilated. I don't even mean to, but I haven't had dinner and one of the rums is 63%. Annihilated.

I am home and in bed by 11:30 even though it takes me a million years to get home.

Might be the hangover, but I just volunteered to work tomorrow. And Papa comes Sunday.


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