Tuesday, November 01, 2005

the debutant

Last night was my coming out party; my introduction to London society, if you will. Ok, maybe not but it was definitely an introduction to something. People were very curious about me and right away they were approaching me and "subtly" asking me about my relationship to H. I was with three other girls and you could tell that they all sat around first, trying to figure out which one was the girlfriend...There was some definite hostility from a few girls from his program, not directed solely at me, but at the girls I had come with. Why are women like that? Anyways, it was a fun enough party. My standards for fun have decreased considerably since leaving Montreal, obviously. I was feeling angry at H. when we left (little wonder) and when he tried to put his arm around me I hit him so hard in the chest that I knocked the wind out of him. I can't really remember this: Blind rage perseveres!!

I am going to write a book. It's the story of a girl who moves to London with her boyfriend, but then he decides that he does not want her there the day that she arrievs. Actually, he realizes it a couple of days before, but he is far too much of a chicken shit to tell her this. It matters not. She is fabulous and she can get through anything. She will have a happy ending and I am pretty sure he dies. Painfully. And slowly.

The first day I was here I walked so much that my feet bled. Yesterday I walked so much that the heel fell off of my Marc Jacobs shoe. I didn't even notice until way later and now I am heart-broken. Perhaps it is a sign that I need a new pair.

The weather is so warm, apparently unseasonably so. They are predicting a colder than usual winter to compensate and apparently the Thames is expected to freeze for the first time since 1840!

My diet here is healthier than ever, I swear. Almost all of the food I buy is organic and I am eating rye cracker and hommous at least twice a day. Food in England is good! Who knew? I think this is definitely the country's best-kept secret. Even the McDonalds food is so lacking in grease that it almost doesn't taste good. It did little to calm today's hangover anyways...

I need to go get a job. I can't tell if I am a tourist or an immigrant.


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