Saturday, December 24, 2005

love your bum

that is the trademarked slogan of the TP that i just purchased. i had to purchase, really, with a slogan like that.
i hope my friends are reading this now because i need to explain why i will not be calling you this christmas...
so i was going to buy a calling card and ring you all and tell you how much unused love there is in my heart since i am alone, but i cannot do that now because i have run out of money and what remains i need for my taxi ride on monday morning.
i have no money because i am paid weekly, but my money all goes into f.'s account since i do not have a bank account of my own. f. has been out of town for a week now, so all the £ i had is in limbo (or france). oh, and i tried to open my own bank account but i was rejected. it sucked. anyways, i did budget for said phone card but this was before i learned that my flight was at 10.15 in the morning on a day when transit does not start running until 8.30, thus making it impossible for me to rely on transit. my only option? take a taxi from my flat to Victoria station and then take the *shudder* bus. fine, fine, not such a big deal, a little more than i budgeted for, but what can i do? oh, but wait! because it is boxing day and the transit is not running, the taxi companies all charge double. double! so my set fare to the bus station (which is a mere 5 tube stops from my house) is £28! Most expensive cab fare ever I suspect, considering the small distance to be covered. Anyways, so my trip to the airport that should have cost £20 is now going to set me back £50. Hence, no phone calls.
Anyways, I hope that you all have a great christmas. Jenny is having a party at our flat and she has promised we will drink till we are dead and we will not be boring the stuff.
You guys can still call me. In fact, I will probably call you and remind you to call me. And now I owe you all like 5 phone calls, and I will deliver in the new year.
All of my love, it really is not the same here without you. Not to mention, that is is bright and sunshiney and freakishly warm.
You are my heart.


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